This film should have been a 30 minute "Tales From the Crypt" episode. It was essentially a lukewarm rehash of the "stumbling into a local legend that's real" category, which was much better done in films like "Pumpkinhead" that could afford the budget for creature effects and fill up the feature length with a little more substance than "teen girl goes on another date while mom finds more photos in basement."
It contained the girl falling down while being chased cliche, the flashlights only contain 5-year old batteries cliche, and the "local gruff character knows you're in danger but doesn't give you the scoop until much later" tired storytelling device.
It WAS cool to see zombie children hacking up annoying supporting characters, though. But I've done better horror make-up on Halloween with $2.00 clown kits.
And, no. You certainly know by now that there was nothing in this film that warranted incusion in a "too extreme for the Jackass staff" festival billing. And no nudity, for the pervs who want to know.
Watch it if someone else pays for the rental.
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