Thursday, June 7, 2007

Jeff – I lied. It’s not a review of Slither; it’s a review of From Dusk till Dawn

God, I love this movie. In fact, I’ve been known to stumble around drunk, trying to figure out if I’ve got the movie or the extras in the DVD player, while the unsuspecting suitor whom I’ve dragged back to lair is waiting for me to make good on my earlier promises, watches me try to figure it all out (it usually takes me switching the disks around at least twice). Anyway, it’s on my Island 100 (like you could pick just 10) AND it’s playing on Starz almost as much as Pirates of the Caribbean right now!

There’s so much good stuff in this flick, I mean in the first 30 minutes you get a Molotov cocktail with toilet paper, a guy bandaging his hand with duct tape (you really can use that stuff for anything!) big Kahuna burgers and the Wolf driving around in a RV. Then the fun really begins!

I mean how many people can claim that they went to the Baskin Robbins of strip joints on their family vacation – they’ve got 32 flavors of pussy, and Salma dancing with a snake (drool). Things quickly go bad for our friends as the strippers turn into really ugly looking vampires, Tom Savini (like you don’t know who he is) looking cranky as ever, and Fred Williamson show up to kick some ass.

Spoiler: pretty much everyone dies, except our Seth & Kate (you’ve got to have a potential love interest) and then Seth utters the best line of the movie:

Did they look like psychos? Is that what they looked like? They were vampires. Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them, I don't give a fuck how crazy they are!

Personally, I give it 4 Georges. Others I’m sure will disagree.

Decapitated George

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