This is pure exploitation with just the thinnest of plotlines to bookend the movie. As Davis Hess said in the extras, it is in the style of Grand Guignol, an over the top style found in a lot of Italian films from the 70’s/80’s.
David Hess plays another sociopath, similar to what he did in The Last House on the Left (1972). He does a good job at having no redeemable qualities. He and his semi-Forrest Gump friend invite themselves to an upper crusty “get together” and proceed to hold the house hostage while they do as they please. Weapon of choice? A straight razor. The main protagonist of the movie looks like a dapper (well, dapper for the late 70’s) version of Cillian Murphy. Watch it and see if you don’t agree.
To match the thinness of the plot, this movie was filmed with a shoestring budget. The gore effects are simple and often laughable, the most egregious being the razor slash effects. Most of the time it looks like he is drawing on them in red crayon. However, this movie does score high points for its females-in-movie to females-who-get-naked-in-movie ratio. 100%. You heard me right. In the extras, Hess even claimed/implied that his “love” scene was the real deal.
3 Georges

100%? That's friggin' awesome. I think each of us should develop our own custom award that they give to movies. You know... like "The Donny Award".
This movie may only get 3 Georges, but it gets a "Golden Jeff" for having 100% of the female cast get naked to some degree.
So, can I assume "dapper" means some quality TCs?
In terms of an appropriate term for 100% percent female nudity, I think we should go with a Golden Treehorn. Jackie Treehorn was the porn producer in TBL.
In Re Dapper: The actor was not rockin' the TCs unfortunately. That might have edged up my final score.
Agreed, Karl. Good call. So should the Jeff award be somehow related to "caucasians"?
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