How craptastic was 30 Days of Night, see title. I very much enjoyed it for the inherent cheese that it possessed. Clearly no one in Barrow, Alaska has ever seen a horror movie or watched Buffy. Granted, these vamps weren’t your run-of-the-mill vamps, these guys were in need of a manicure and had a penchant for kool-aid mouth. However, I refuse to suspend my belief that they didn’t know the bad-guys were vampires.
As the lead vamp said they should have come here years ago, the town doesn’t see sun for 30 days and if vampires had Realtors, I’d bet they would all move to that section of Alaska. Their assault was aided by a “guy” who I guess wanted to be made into a vampire he failed them, I suppose because some of the town resisted? Who knows, they killed him and that was that. Also, I will say that their occupation of Barrow, was a bit shall we say, lacking in finesse. If it were me, I’d round up the townspeople and hold them for later meals. What’s the sense of eating everyone the first day; you’ve got 29 more days to go.
Some ingenious ways to kill the bad guys were deployed. How many whacks does it take to decapitate a vampire – between 2 & 4. Bear traps and bear repellent and a tractor implement.
All in all I’d give it 3 George’s, although no nudity for the boys, and a really sad beard on Josh Hartnett. Hmm, perhaps I should rethink the rating.

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