If you like or have a high tolerance for screaming, then you should acquire and feature this Mexican horror movie prominently in your collection. If you can get past the nigh ubiquitous screaming, then you are still in for a treat.
Justine, an easy on the eyes orphan, arrives at a convent and makes friends with Alucarda, a lusty little spitfire who eventually introduces her to a group of gypsies that broaden the girls’ horizons and introduce them to Satan.
The leader (?) of the gypsies is a creepy hippie homunculus who eventually gives the girls a dagger blessed with gypsy tears or somesuch, which he uses to perform some kind of nekkid blood sharing ceremony betwixt the two lasses. (Yes, fellas, it is a good scene).
Oh, and the gypsy camp has a big ole’ nekkid conga line/ritual. See kids? There are viable alternatives to Christianity!
The girls begin acting out and screaming a lot and screaming during religious instruction and spinning around and getting up to all kinds of hi-jinks (both clothed and unclothed).
The convent is run by a bunch of nuns whose habits make them look like bleeding mummies. We find out that the primary reason for this is because of their flagellation sessions, to whip the sin and temptation out of their minds (and skin). The convent itself has many rooms that look very organic, like they were carved out of stone or used a system of caves, very non-standard convent housing.
The nuns decide to exorcise the two girls. This involves chaining them to large Xs of wood and stripping them down so one of the nuns can cleanse(?) Justine by sticking her repeatedly with a convent shiv. Well, needless to say, she doesn’t pull out of her possession, so she gets laid to rest in a crypt that serves for a great scene when she pops out of a coffin (nekkid) that is literally filled with blood (so she is all bloody and nekkid) and fully throws down on a nun and then chomps her neck.
The movie ends with a nice big scene with Alucarda using her satanic screaming and yelling abilities to cause the mummy nuns to spontaneously menstruate and/or burst into flames. I know, pretty sweet.
I give this movie 4 Georges.

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