Ah, finally a title truly befitting the Dudes of Horror: Strip Nude for Your Killer. A classy little giallo (Italian slasher/horror/whodunit; look it up, kids) from ’75. I rented this from Netflix purely based on the title. How could I not? I mean, it’s all right there in the title. Killing and tit-tays, everything a Dude of Horror would look for when selecting a film to plop down in front of. (check out my sweet dangling participle)
It had a fair amount of everything that makes a giallo a giallo: lots of killing, lots of breast-ah-sez (and boosh, for that matter), and lots of not knowing who is killing everyone off until the end. Edwige Fenech is some nice eye candy. Overall a pretty decent little flick, given what it is and when it is from, but nothing truly memorable. No haunting/grisly/sexay or otherwise images that stay with the viewer, at least not THIS viewer. So, it is worth a watch if you like giallos and don’t have anything better to do.
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