Dang, a dearth of posts, now a plethora... that's how the Dudes roll.
À l'intérieur
Well, goddamn, those French sure are a stabby bunch of people. If ever there was a reason not to contract sperm poisoning, this movie is it.
Highlights include some of the most creative arterial I’ve seen in a while spray (In fact, I laughed so loud at one scene, the people walking by stopped and looked in the window and backed away slowly*), a number of cringe worthy stabbing scenes (Boys take note – look away after La Femme stabs the guy in the knee – trust me its for your own good.), a cesarean section and tracheotomy that I’m sure the AMA would frown upon, and the clever application of what I can only imagine is oven cleaner. Not to mention the creepiest final frame I’ve witnessed in ages.
À l'intérieur runs about 83 minutes (9 of which are the credits, and speaking of credits, the opening ones are worth watching just to figure out what it’s supposed to be, and the music, which reminded me A LOT of Irreversible.), uses at least 780 gallons of fake blood, kills all but three of the cast members, and features about 15 different kinds of stabbing with various implements. Actually, everybody sort of gets into a stabby frame of mind, if they’re not being stabbed, they are stabbing something.
Beatrice Dalle gives new meaning to the term “scissor sister.” In fact, I wonder if the band didn’t come up with the name after watching this movie. She’ll use a gun, but watch out, if she has her scissors, you best be runnin’.
So, would the “Dudes” like it, well it’s hard to say, no one gets their kit off, as mentioned above there’s an ouchie scene for the boys, however, it’s everything Haute Tension and Hostel could have been but wasn’t. 4 George’s just for the copious amounts of gore.
Sorry kids, I’m out of practice, I’m sure the posts will get better...
*Why yes, I do use humor as a defense mechanism, why do you ask?

Jeff - be a dear and fix the spacing. I don't know what I did, but whatever it was is annoying.
There. How's that? You did see the French version, right? Or did you see the US DVD titled "Inside"?
Thanks Jeff!
I did indeed (or at least I saw what Netflix sent), although I did have subtitles enabled for dialogue (what little there was of it..)
I liked it - btw. Better put - it was 1 bajillon times better than both Malevolence and the Forbidden Zone.
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