Friday, September 14, 2007

Musings - The Hamiltons & Unrest

Since they’ve both already been reviewed at least twice (permaybehaps more), I’m just going to offer some thoughts on the flicks.

The Hamiltons – I was surprised at how much I liked it. You weren’t really sure if they were vampires or cannibals till almost the end. I agree with Maude that Francis really needed a good smack upside the head, but then I suppose I felt sorry for the kid – his big brother is closeted and his twin brother & sister are sleeping together, I’d want to get the hell out too!

The Jesus watched this with her mother who had this gem to offer: “huh, you know, I’m disappointed in Lenny. All that build up and he’s just a kid. I was hoping for something else entirely.”

I’d watch it again – 3 Georges

Unrest – Again, I have to agree with Maude. I really didn’t like this flick. Thank Christ it was free, or else I’d have been pissed off. Here’s the thing about the movie – we’ve seen it before. It was a terrible rip-off of about ¾ of the Japanese horror flicks that are out there. Yeah, it was an [Spoiler] Aztec ghost, as opposed to a Japanese ghost, but it’s been done to death, enough already. To make matters even worse – commercials in the middle of it featuring Miss HorrorFest – blech. The only reason I’d watch it again is to give it the MST3K treatment.

Sorry Jeff.

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