Thursday, November 16, 2006


Gentle Readers,

I feel obliged to post a photo here that illustrates something that could possibly be more frightening than anything in store for us in Colorado...

The photo comes from the men's room at my current place of employment. Do you SEE that, man? Do you know what that IS??? Not only is it TWO FUCKING INCHES LONG... but the donor apparently has so many of these that he sheds them whenever he undoes his zipper.

Let's see if I can directly link it below:

From HorrorDudes P...

Thanks, Gargantuan Shedding Pube man- I'll be having nightmares about this on the plane.

-Jeff, Already Grossed Out Dude of Horror

1 comment:

Macabre Maude said...

You sure that didn't come out of your nose, Jeff?