Saturday, February 3, 2007

What the hell is wrong with Takashi Miike?

Seriously, was he tortured as a child? I never had a phobia about needles before - now I don't think I'll ever be able to donate blood again.

As disturbing as Audition, as weird as Three Extremes - Cut and thankful that I watched without surround sound (yeah, I know it was a lame segue, but still true).

Christopher comes to the f*cked up Island looking for the love of his life - Komomo the Whore. He meets instead: the chicken lady, the disfigured prostitute and the Madame who needs some serious dental work.

We meet all of the above plus the disfigured prostitute’s little sister, some random chick who wields the needles and the disfigured prostitute’s parents. A tale of pain, woe, incest, pedophilia and excruciating torture all in 63 fun filled minutes - yippe.

Don't have anything to eat or plan to do any embroidering for a good while after.

Sorry it's not more detailed, but I feel the need for a good, long hot shower and some cartoons.


Jeff, Dude of Horror said...

I have been picking up the Masters of Horror DVDs every now and then when I'm in Best Buy. They're really a good value for the money and haven't yet disappointed me. It's like Tales From the Crypt is alive again with bigger fangs and more nudity. Every disc has hours of extras, too.

I stand behind Miike's work because somewhere- buried under the fantasies of conjoined twins and many puddles of freshly squeezed human milk- there is usually a point to all of the extreme weirdness. And unlike David Lynch's films you may even be able to find it!

I had a bit of a problem with the acting of the male lead. I didn't buy into his drama. Something may have been lost when the decision was made to actually have actors speak English in a Miike film. That being said, the extas show how much effort was made to coach the actors to speak their lines in English. Ironically, it was the English speaker whose lines were the worst.

Notice that so far in this review I haven't mentioned anything about needles or fetuses? The SHOCKING parts of this film. Perhaps I'm too desensitized to this sort of thing from watching previous Miike works. Or maybe I was so caught up in the hype created by Showtime when they didn't air this episode during the first season of Masters of Horror because it was "too shocking." Sure, there are scenes that made me cringe and that have apparently caused The Jesus to seek the serentity of the shower... but I was honestly more caught up in the story. In a sea of Chainsaw Massacre clones, this is definitely a welcome change.

I give it 3.5 Georges out of 5.

The Jesus... said...

Asylum flicks and the torture-y Japanese horror flicks always get to me (kind of like rainy days and Mondays, ya know). I honestly don't know if it was the "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" or the many needles under the nails and in the gums that got to me the most. It just seemed more like torture p0rn to me. Perhaps my comments should have been preceded with my belief that it is Miike's oeuvre, than the individual film.

I certainly agree with Jeff, he is an extremely gifted filmmaker and is raising the bar for the genre in general (hey, they all can’t be Fog remakes…). And if you really think about, being sufficiently creeped out enough to shower and watch cartoons is a testament to the power any horror movie.