Friday, December 26, 2008

Cause everyone else is doing it...

Of course, I'm just going to link it. A take on the top 25 "modern" horror movies. Dudes (and Dudess), I think we can (and should) make our own list (and/or improve upon this one).

1 comment:

Jeff, Dude of Horror said...

...I suppose we'll have to SINCE WE WEREN'T ASKED TO PARTICIPATE!

Well, playing devil's advocate I must admit that being MIA for so long doesn't really give this ol' Dude a severed leg to stand on. Perhaps 2009 will be the Year of the Dudes?

It's worth noting that so far, not a single film from the 90s has been reviewed here! I'd love to dig up some gems from the middle of the decade to review. Hmmm....