Monday, December 3, 2007

Hopoto 2007 Afterpost

The Horrorpornothon was largely a success! For the sake of posterity I have culled together a list of all things consumed during the event: food, drinks, and films.

The most germane aspect of this event to Dudes of Horror readers is probably Saturday's viewing of both versions of the film "Black Christmas". Karl and I were able to put both versions together in the same room and we made a little holiday marathon out of it. What we found (having never seen either film) was that the 2006 remake was effectively a sequel. I'm sure that between myself, Karl, and The Jesus there will emerge at least one full-on review.

So here is the itinerary, complete with IMDB links to every movie we watched (or sampled) as well as some links to pretty much all of the alcohol products we drank:


  • Papa John's Pizza (courtesy of Jeff)

  • Homemade cookie bars (courtesy of Maude)

  • Big bag of cookies (courtesy of One-Eye)

  • Stolen Snacks (courtesy of Karl)

  • Triscuits (courtesy of The Jesus)




  • Belgian Waffles (courtesy of Jeff)

  • Homemade Lasagna (courtesy of One-Eye)

  • Affogato (courtesy of Jeff)



Other Activities:

  • Momentous occasion whereas Jeff arose prior to 9:00 AM

  • Approximately 3 hours of Wii gaming


  • Brunch at the Diner (courtesy of One-Eye)




The Jesus... said...

Triscuits and wine, that's all I get? Nothing about my rapier-like wit, captivating charm and mordacious sarcasm? Nary a whisper regarding my sad little attempt at live-blogging HoPoTo, all I get is triscuits & wine?

Seriously though a great time was had by all and as soon as the settlement comes through for my wii and massage chair related injuries, it will all be awesome.

Thanks again Jeff & Maude it was well worth the sleep deprivation!

Jeff, Dude of Horror said...

Oh, sorry! Forgot to mention that paint-peeling #2 you left in our bathroom. HA! (Just kidding, folks!)

The live blogging was very cool... and I should have done more of it! Just imagine if we stopped to post a review after each film we watched. At the end of each Hopoto we'd have watched two movies in three days! Errr....

Thanks for participating with all of your mordacious sarcasm!

The Jesus... said...

BTW - I know I gave you "whereas" but I think it should be "wherein."

re: paint peeling #2 - a) I can't believe you of all people live in a house w/out a bathroom fan, b) that's why I retrieved the matches from my purse and c) you were still asleep at that point on Saturday and the smell didn't travel that far (at least I didn't clog it - I'm looking at you One-Eye - granted it's sideways, but I'm still looking at you).